The classic Christmas movie “Home Alone” features the wealthy McCallister family, who live in a luxurious home and take extravagant trips. However, a financial planner’s analysis reveals that their lifestyle may not be as financially secure as it appears.
The family’s spending habits and lack of disclosed income raise questions about their financial stability. Financial planners suggest that the McCallisters prioritize proper insurance coverage and estate planning to ensure their children are provided for in case of unforeseen circumstances. The movie’s portrayal of wealth highlights the importance of financial planning and preparedness for all families.
The Winnetka, Illinois home featured in the movie was listed for $5.25 million and would cost $34,000 per month to buy today. The family drives relatively new cars, valued at $40,000 each in today’s dollars and, though their financial situation is not fully disclosed in the movies, including their occupations, the family’s lifestyle is not entirely self-funded, as Peter’s brother pays for the Paris trip.
Financial planners suggest the family should prioritize life and disability insurance due to having five children. An umbrella insurance policy is recommended to protect against liability for injuries or damages. Proper estate planning, including wills, powers of attorney, and guardianship arrangements, is advised for the couple.
Financial planners emphasize the importance of naming physical and financial guardians for the children. Establishing a pre-need guardian is suggested to prevent the children from becoming wards of the state if the parents are unable to care for them.